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These dates are so sweet it blows my mind. I used Medjool dates here. I rarely crave anything sweet these days, but suddenly felt like adding sweet chilli sauce to my rice dish. So I gave it a go playing with dates and chilli jam....

I love the outcome, it is sweet, spicy and sour all at the same time and I am happy to use it guilt free.



  • the amounts in the image do not represent the correct ratio...

  • only 4 ingredients are needed

  • 70 gr (grams) Medjool date meat (5 dates)

  • 1 tea (teaspoon) lemon juice

  • 1/2 cup recently boiled and slightly cooled water

  • 1/4 cup cold water

  • 2 TB (tablespoons) chilli jam, click here for home made chilli jam, or use sriracha sauce, if you don't mind the high sugar content in sriracha sauce



  • remove pips from dates and cut them a little smaller

  • I place all the ingredients into an old pickle jar, my stick blender just fits 

  • or use your blender

  • add 1/2 cup hot water, make sure it is not straight from the kettle, as you do not want to break the glass container!

  • add 1/2 tea lemon juice

  • blend all this until fairly smooth

  • then add 2 TB chilli jam and 1/4 cup of cold water

  • blend until smooth



  • I have used about 2 TB of this on my fried rice, sooo good!

  • suddenly it makes store bought chilli sauce taste very artificial....

  • store it in an airtight container, I use an old mustard jar

  • it should keep at least for 1 week in the fridge

  • halve the recipe if you want to try it first 

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