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Footprint Reduction in Your Home Made Easy!

I have added a new tab to my website called Footprint. Click here to see the new tab on my website.

This issue is close to my heart and I am very happy that my family managed to reduce our weekly rubbish from 100 litres to 1 litre. It is very rewarding when you watch your waste disappear by implementing a few strategies to your home. Rather than contributing to more useless landfill we are now producing the worlds best fertiliser...

I have added a video to the tab showing you how I feed the worms in their farm. This ended up being more tricky than I thought, due to not being able to film and feed at the same time. I had to construct a hanging device for the phone:

It did the job :) You will see in the video-

Yesterday I took my daughter to a free screening of the movie "BLUE" by Karina Holden. If you are still in doubt if footprint reduction is urgently needed by everyone one of us, please watch this movie. There are many free screenings in Sydney throughout the year and this film will change your thinking.

Check out the website here for free screening times in Sydney:

Outside of Sydney and Australia check the website here for ways to watch this film:

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