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Back on deck :)

After a quick trip to Europe to surprise my mum for her 80th birthday, followed by treating our family to a week of skiing in Austria to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary, I returned to Sydney with a torn ligament in my knee. Just going a little too fast on a very dark run :)

Since then I am working hard to get everything back in order so that I can spend more than 10 minutes standing in the kitchen... Nearly there, with lots of exercise and healthy eating!

While I was away, something happened to my herb garden which made me very happy ! They had grown from small seedlings into big plants in just 3 weeks:

A friend of mine looked after our house, the herbs and the "pets" while we were away and I was stunned to see the results. I asked her to keep my routine of feeding and watering the plants so that I could see if my plan to grow herbs fast at home is even possible: The herbs had grown incredibly well! In the above photo I harvested tons of large leaves already, I had never seen such large mint leaves! Which leads me to tell you about our latest family achievement: We have been working on reducing our family's footprint by reducing our weekly garbage. We started composting and worm farming, recycling everything and we managed to reduce our weekly full bin to one tiny

1 litre bag per week. I ordered the smallest bin from council and cancelled the green bin.

I bought a worm farm and ordered 4000 worms online. Due to our enormous veggie scrap pile everyday, we decided we needed a lot of worms! We started feeding them 500 grams of food scraps every day and they started breading. I had to get my glasses to work out what all those white short lines where in the bin: worm babies! And these worms produce about 1.5 - 2 litres of worm tea per week.

I dilute the tea 1:10 with water and feed all my plants a good swig once a week. Apparently it is the best natural fertiliser you can get and the proof is in the growth of the mint!

Not only does worm farming reduce our rubbish pile, it produces amazing fertiliser to feed our hunger for fresh herbs. No more running out of mint, coriander, parsley and basil!

This huge amount of waste reduction in our house hold did not happen over night and needed a bit of training of certain family members- But everyone came on board and now it is natural for the entire family and our visitors.

I am working on a new tab called foot print where I will show you all the tips and tricks to change your house hold's foot print in a very short time. We have to start somewhere!

I am immensely inspired by Greta in Sweden and Jean in Sydney! Keep striking and yelling at us for taking so long to wake up!

See the whole speech here:

See the whole article here:

I will let you know as soon as my new tab is online! And more vegan recipes are currently being tested and will be posted soon!

See you all soon! Kat

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