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How to open a Jackfruit

I have been trying to find green Jackfruit in Saigon, to develop a pulled Jackfruit-Meat-Burger. To find Jackfruit is easy, they are everywhere, but looking for green and unripe Jackfruit turns out to be much more difficult than expected. Of course the main issue being that I do not speak vietnamese and so it happened that I was sold a green Jackfruit at Ben Thanh Market and the lady insisted that it was green. Which it was, of course, but only on the outside....She must have thought I am colourblind, as I did not believe it was green, due to the intense sweet smell oozing from its skin and the softness of the fruit when squeezing it. She made me laugh in the way she kept convincing me that this was exactly the fruit I wanted, so I bought it anyway. After my market purchase I escaped to the old compass cafe to cool down and asked Duong, the manager, how I was supposed to open this piece of fruit. She gave me some tips and at home I decided to film it, since this is not a fruit a lot of us had to ever open in Germany or Australia. Duong also very kindly asked her chef to find me some actual green and unripe Jackfruit, which I have received in the meantime and I have been experimenting with a recipe for a burger. Coming soon!

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