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Plant-Based and Gluten-Free Beef



There are a lot of plant-based meat replacements out there, and they are often delicious! Sadly most of them are made from Seitan, which is basically pure GLUTEN: not so handy when you are intolerant to Gluten.

 I spent a lot of time in my kitchen "laboratory" to come up with a gluten-free meat replacement. 

As much as PLEEF™ looks like a Beef-Patty or even a steak, it is purely plant-based. I use it on those days where I feel I need some extra protein and it does make me feel full for longer. It will never taste like beef of course, but I think it is perfect to use it as mince in "bolognese" or as slices in noodle soups. The PLEEF™ absorbs the flavour of the meal you add it to and it can certainly visually trick the eater to think it is real meat...


Bolognese with PLEEF™


Noodle Soup with PLEEF™

Process and Ingredients for PLEEF™ Patties/Mince and Sausage


watch the above video to see the process

dry ingredients

  • 1/2 cup of brown rice protein

  • 1/2 cup of brown rice flour

  • 1 tea (spoon) xanthan gum

  • 2 TB (tablespoons) tapioca flour

  • 1/2 tea salt

  • 1/8 tea cayenne pepper

  • 1/8 tea dry mustard powder

wet ingredients

  • 1 TB olive oil

  • 1 TB gluten free soya sauce

  • 2 TB psyllium husks

  • 1/2 cup of water


  • mix wet ingredients and rest it for 10 minutes

  • mix dry ingredients

  • after resting the wet mix, add it to dry mix with 1/2 cup water

  • mix and knead and form shapes as per video


Ingredients for Broth

  • to add as much flavour to the PLEEF™as possible, I simmer it in a tasty broth for 1/2 hour

  • 5 1/2 cups of water

  • 1/2 cup dry red wine

  • 1/3 cup gluten gluten free soya sauce

  • 2 TB  gluten free worcestershire sauce

  • 1/4 of a small onion

  • 1 knob garlic, squashed

  • 1/2 tea whole peppercorns

  • 1/2 tea dried thyme

  • 2 TB bouillon (click here for recipe)


Prepare Broth

  • add all ingredients into a large pot and bring to a simmer

  • add PLEEF™ pieces and simmer for 1/2 hour

  • turn stove off and let the PLEEF™ rest in the broth for about 2 hours to absorb the flavours


Remove PLEEF™ from Broth

  • use a slotted spoon and take the PLEEF™ out of the liquid

  • rest it on kitchen paper 


  • pat the PLEEF™ dry

  • remove peppercorns


Season the PLEEF™

  • sprinkle with sea salt and freshly ground pepper


Fry in Medium/Hot Pan

  • until browned. This should take only about 2 minutes each side

  • remove from pan and let the pieces cool before the next step


PLEEF™ Slices for Soup

  • I slice the sausage shape thinnly and add it to my noodle soup

  • it freezes really well, slice it and then freeze it

  • when I make soup and feel like extra protein I just take the required amount of slices out of the freezer and add them to the hot soup


PLEEF™ Mince Done in the

Food Processor

  • tear the PLEEF™ pieces in smaller chunks

  • add them to the food processor

  • blitz them for a few seconds until they resemble mince


Fry the PLEEF™ Mince

  • in the pan till slightly browned, using a little olive oil


Add Fundamental & Versatile Tomato Sauce

  • click here for the recipe

  • or use any tomato sauce recipe you would usually use for a pasta sauce


Add Some Extra Tomatoes

  • I always add some halved cocktail tomatoes. Simmer until they just start getting soft

  • serve on gluten free pasta or rice noodles, or even rice...


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