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from Wurst to Wisdom 

How did this happen?

A German/Australian wheat and meat-aholic transforms her guts

into glory by eating plant-based, gluten- and sugar-free.

hello, my name is Kat.

You can find me anywhere between

Hamburg, Ho-Chi-Minh-City and Sydney.

Currently I am developing recipes in Sydney.


My aim is to eat as much plant-based food as possible,  so I am classifying myself as a Flexitarian

It is such a great word! It takes all the stress out of being vegan. For example, if you are in China town and desperately hungry, you can find a vegetable tofu laksa, but rarely without dried shrimp powder. Being vegan, you could not eat the soup. But, phew, if you are flexitarian you can!

I do eat seafood occasionally, but meat very rarely. I might eat a piece of some form of meat may be every 3 months and that is mainly to regulate iron deficiency. I choose to eat kangaroo meat, due to being 4 times higher in iron than beef or I eat clams, to have a quick iron boost. However I never eat chicken or beef. To combat the iron deficiency, I also started to eat hemp seeds for their high iron content.

 There is a real problem sometimes when travelling in countries who regard vegetables only as decoration and you cannot find any plant-based options other than potatoes and lettuce. I was recently in Austria and got so hungry after a few days only eating lettuce leaves for dinner, that I demolished a whole pizza with cheese one night. Silly idea! I will definitely start a tab soon with tips how to feed yourself when travelling! It was more tricky than expected! 

Back in Sydney, it is incredibly easy to eat a delicious plant-based diet! Almost every cafe has vegan and gluten-free options and our produce is exceptional!

Video Cho Binh Thanh

watch this video to see

the birthplace of guts & glory 

Cho Binh Thanh
Watch Now

Weaning Humans off Meat

It will be a slow process weaning humans off their huge meat consumption and

in most cases this will not happen over night.

Together we can start spreading the word and nudge people along to look at the bigger picture.

I am here to inspire you:  gluten-free, sugar-free and plant-based food can be extremely tasty. It just needs to have some extra oomph, wich is achieved by spicing food really well. With sugar-free I mean all refined sugars. The only sweetener I use is stevia, either the ground up green leaves or drops. And to activate the yeast in bread making I use rice malt syrup.

I do use sriracha sauce, I do admit, and it does contain sugar...I am a little flexitarian here as well. But I have now developed my own sugar free chilli jam, which is amazing. No sugar needed! 

You can read a detailed reason why I became a plant-based eater and why our meat consumption is not sustainable in the about tab. I surprised myself with the sudden change in my eating behaviour while living in Vietnam, but I embrace it 100% and I am so excited that I can share my findings, ideas,

recipes and anecdotes with you.

New recipes and stories will follow every week and will be posted on the blog. 

Sign up at the bottom of the page to get notified of new posts.

Read more about me and my mission in the about tab and 

find info regarding gluten intolerance in the gluten tab 

and find out how to reduce your footprint in your own kitchen in the footprint tab


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 Birchgrove NSW, Sydney, Australia  |  Tel: 0425 222 702

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