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Sweet Potato Salad



This is my favourite potato salad. You can make it with mixed potatoes or just one kind. In this recipe I used equal amounts of sweet and normal potatoes. It is the perfect salad to take to a picknick or to the beach, like this one in Sydney- The main reason for it's yumminess is the fact that the potatoes are baked not boiled. 

I transported the potatoes and sauce separately and mixed it at the beach.


So simple: bake potatoes, chop parsley and onions (optional), add sauce, mix and serve!


Wash and Chop

I use equal amounts of sweet and

yellow potatoes​


  • 1 kg sweet and 1 kg normal potatoes

  • 1/2 red onion, thinly sliced

  • fresh thyme, 2 TB, stems removed

  • 1/4 cup chopped flat leaf parsley



Baking The Potatoes


  • wash the skins well ( I leave them on)

  • chop into smallish bite size pieces

  • add all the potatoes, 1-2 TB (tablespoon) of virgin olive oil, a drizzle of sea salt, and as much fresh thyme you like to a bowl with a lid

  • shake the bowl so that all potatoes are covered in oil

  • pre heat oven on fan forced to 200 Degrees Celsius

  • place potatoes on a sheet of baking paper on your baking tray 

  • I seperate the 2 colours, just in case one cooks faster than the other, especially if you make a big amount and need 2 trays, some ovens cook unevenly...

  • in my oven it works best cooking the sweet potatoes at the lower part and the yellow potatoes in the centre of the oven

  • bake on 200 °C until soft to your liking 

  • turn them after 10 and 20 minutes to make sure they are not burning

  • I bake mine for 35 minutes


Easy Dressing


  • 3/4 cup vegenaise, recipe here

  • 1/2 teaspoon minced garlic

  • 2 TB dijon mustard

  • 2 TB lemon

  • 1/4 teaspoon sea salt

  • add all ingredients to a jar and use a stick blender to mix 

IMG_6805 (1).jpg

Slice Red Onions and

Chop Parsley

  • I use 1/2 a red onion in this recipe and slice it super thinly

  • as I don't always feel like eating onion, I love the salad without them as much! 

  • they do add a nice crunch though-

  • wash the parsley, and chop finely


At The Beach

  • I take the potatoes out of the oven and put them in a glass or ceramic bowl with a lid and immediately wrap it into a beach towel

  • I like the potatoes most when they are still a little bit warm

  • but the salad is delicious cold as well!

  • mix your chopped parsley with the onion (if you use onion) and take in a seperate jar

  • prepare your sauce and take it in a jar

  • assemble at your picknick location



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