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Green Curry

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An easy meal that is cooked quickly, is very filling and using the right coconut cream, delicious! I used to buy any coconut milk or cream, mostly the ones on special, until I discovered the difference. A lot of brands are watered down and don't taste as good as Ayam Brand. These days, if I cannot get Ayam coconut cream, I won't make a curry! It is a bit more expensive, but once you cooked with it, you will be happy to spend the extra money-

I also cheat here with the curry paste I am using, due to not being able to find plant-based curry paste in Saigon.

The paste I am using is not plant-based, due to containing shrimp paste. Aren't I lucky to be flexitarian and don't mind this little bit of cheating. The brand I really like is Mae Ploy.



I am adding more lemongrass to this dish, and kaffir lime leaves. The trick I have learnt with lemongrass is that you have to bash it, before cutting it finely and then crushing it even finer in a small food processor. I usually take 3 stems, peel out the white parts, bash them with a hammer (covered in cling wrap or a plastic bag), chop and crush them and store them flat in a zip-lock freezer bag. When you need lemongrass next time you just break off the amount you need. 


​Kaffir Lime Leaf

Kaffir lime leaves are usually only available in a bag of 10 or so. I find they store really well in the freezer. Before I use them, I remove the harder centre part and chop the soft leaf parts very thinly. 



I use potatoes in my curry because I love the texture and they add to the filling component. I pre-boil bite sized chopped potatoes for approximately 3-5 minutes, then add them to the curry. I try and use fresh peas, and they need pre-boiling too for a few minutes. What ever green ingredients you use, make sure they are roughly of the same softness when added, as per your liking. If you use frozen peas, they can be thrown in frozen. My favourite vegetable in this recipe is broccolini, which I have not been able to find here. So broccoli had to do. You can use the stem, peeled (if necessary) and finely sliced and added first to the curry paste. Because the stem is quite hard it needs a longer cooking time than the florets. If the stem seams woody, don't use it.



The unusual looking yellow powder in the photo is a powder I often use instead of garlic. It is called asafoetida.

This powder smells a little odd uncooked, but develops a garlicky taste when cooked. My gut is not always keen on onion and garlic, so I avoid it sometimes and use asafoetida instead. 



  • Mae Ploy green curry paste is not vegan, but I just found out that Ayam has some vegan friendly pastes. Their green one is not vegan either, but the red one is...

  • Ayam coconut cream

  • 2-3 medium potatoes, cut them into bite size pieces and pre boil 3-5 minutes, depending on the breed of potato: the pieces should not be fully cooked.

  • 1 head broccolini or broccoli

  • 1 cup fresh or frozen peas. pre boil fresh ones until a little soft/to your liking 

  • 4 kaffir lime leaves

  • 3 tsp lemongrass

  • 1/2 tsp asafoetida

  • brown rice, prepare according to the package instructions/to your liking


How to deal with Lemongrass

  • remove the outer parts until you only have the very light green/white parts left

  • take a wooden board and wrap your hammer in plastic, may be you have a proper kitchen hammer....

  • hammer the lemongrass flat

  • use a very sharp knife and chop it finely

  • add it to a small food processor and chop it very fine

  • if lemongrass is not treated like this it can be woody and stringy

deal with lemon grass

How to deal with Lemon Grass

  • cut out any hard centre parts

  • chop the soft parts of the leaf very thinly



  • you need to fill and fold your rolls where you placed them

  • just wait 1-2 minutes and they will be soft enough to fold


  • you need to fill and fold your rolls where you placed them

  • just wait 1-2 minutes and they will be soft enough to fold


  • this recipe makes 3 smaller or 2 larger portions

  • add 1TB coconut oil to the pan and fry 3 tsp lemongrass, 1/2 tsp asafoetida & 2TB green curry paste until you can smell the paste. Add any hard veggies, like 1 bunch brocolini stems and fry until slightly soft, 3-5 minutes

  • add a small can of Ayam coconut cream (270 ml) & 1/2 cup of stock or water

  • add potatoes, peas, broccoli heads and kaffir lime leaves

  • simmer on low to medium until cooked to your liking

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