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Farmer's Beakfast



A staple in any North German kitchen is "Bauern-Frühstück", which means Farmer's Breakfast.

It was eaten by Farmer's before they went out to work all day on the fields. There is something about those fried potatoes that fill you up for hours. It is usually eaten with fried Schinken or Speck cubes and an omelette on top. During my sailing trip on the Baltic Klaus, my dad, prepared this meal as a plant-based version, with onions and a salad made by my mum Antje. And it was delicious, super filling and no animal product was needed to make this meal as amazing as always! I am currently developing a plant-based Schinken/Speck recipe.

It will be on the blog soon!


The Boat is on Auto-Pilot while Klaus is Cooking



Antje is Preparing the Salad



And I am Enjoying the View

(I know, super lazy me! Klaus spoils his crew on board-)



The art of getting this very simple meal tasting right is timing and a little patience.

As we are using raw, finely sliced, waxy potatoes they can take a few more minutes than expected to start browning.  It depends of course how many you are frying and how large your pan is. The timing trick is not to add the onions too early-



amounts for 3 servings:


  • as many potatoes you think you can eat (must be a waxy variety, floury potatoes will fall apart)

  • 1-2 onions (to be added later)

  • salt and pepper

  • thinly slice your peeled potatoes and add them raw to the pan with oil. Klaus uses quite a bit of sunflower oil

  • any green leafy or tomato salad is great to eat with this




Salt and Pepper

  • Klaus uses a lot of freshly ground black pepper

  • he cooks this on a high gas flame, and keeps stirring to not burn it

  • it needs a bit of heat to get it crunchy in parts

  • it won't get crunchy all over, which is fine, as long as potatoes are soft and you have a good amount of crunchy bits


Add Chopped Onions

  • onions get added once the potatoes are about 3/4 done, otherwise they will burn 



  • onions are soft and we have a good amount of crunch!


Serve with a Salad

  • Antje made a delicious tomato, cucumber and basil salad


Thank You

Antje und Klaus!

  • my parents have done an amazing job teaching me how important it is to eat healthy food with lots of veggies  and that a solid lunch is so much better than a huge dinner

  • eating this way you have no cravings in the afternoon, great energy and only need a tiny snack for dinner

  • they are nearly 80 years old and the fittest and leanest people their age I know !

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